Linguistically bezeten
Engelsen en Nederlanders over vertalen in en uit het Nederlands en het Engels
The UK-based Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) has a number of language and subject networks. The Dutch Network is one of these. While we come under the umbrella of the ITI we also operate as a fairly informal network and have some non-ITI members. We run two e-groups: DN News, which is purely for members of the ITI, and Dutch Network, which is open to anyone. Announcements of work and ITI-related matters are posted to the former group, while the latter forum is mainly used to discuss terminology/translation problems.
The other main activity run by the Network is the annual conference or workshop. This is held alternately in the Netherlands/Belgium and the UK. It is open to both ITI members and others. We attract about 35 people and make a point of selecting attractive venues: most recently we have been in Canterbury, Antwerp and Edinburgh. The workshops are good opportunities for networking and breaking down the inevitable isolation of our profession. They are also famous for their notorious "sweatshops", in which groups of six or so translators work on translations together - often tearing the original text to bits!
One of the hallmarks of the Network is the friendliness and helpfulness of its members. We have authors of books on how Dutch can creep into (written) English, compilers of dictionaries, translators of mediaeval Dutch poetry and experts on art with real literary flair. We have translators who know all about nursing, and others versed in the subtleties of the two different legal systems. And we have people at the outset of their careers. What we all share is a genuine passion for the way language works and the special peculiarities of English and Dutch.
We have no costs as everything is distributed by e-mail, so we do not charge a subscription. Anyone interested in joining can contact the convenor on See also
Jan Arriëns
datum publicatie: 25 september 2006
rubriek: Brancheorganisaties
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