Sworn translators and the KTV
Is er een toekomst voor de 'gewone' beëdigde vertaler?
I wish to correct what I believe to be many people's mistaken belief that:
1 the Kwaliteitsregister Tolken en Vertalers is only relevant for people working for the police, Ministry of Justice and other parts of the public sector; I've discussed the issue with an acquaintance of mine who has been following the subject(s) closely. Although I realise that 'a friend of a friend said ...' is not normally a solid basis for a decision, it really would seem sensible for those of you who are sworn translators/interpreters to consider registering with the Kwaliteitsregister so as to ensure that you retain your sworn status in the future. Once the new legislation comes into force, there will be a 2-year transitional period during which existing sworn translators/interpreters can register with the KTV. As I understand it, they will automatically be 'definitief' of 'voorlopig' registered (depending on their qualifications/experience).
Those who choose not to register within the transitional period will find it much more difficult (and costly - right now it's free) to register afterwards. And then they will no longer be 'beedigd'. A risk I certainly didn't want to take. I decided a few months ago (before talking to my acquaintance) to register. Apart from having to copy loads of bits of paper, the whole process was fairly simple. The only charge was the EUR 30 fee for the Verklaring omtrent het Gedrag from the local gemeente. I admit that the form you have to fill in is stupid - you're asked which organisations you work for, with a choice of 6 or 7 public sector parties. The Kwaliteitsregister has been told on many occasions that many sworn translators work solely outside the public sector, but the idea that this should prompt a change in the form has not yet registered with them. However, I added that information to the form myself and in my covering letter as the only clients I do sworn translations for are clients in the business sector and a few private individuals. When I asked my acquaintance what would happen to sworn translators who didn't bother registering with the KTV during the transitional period, her answer was short and succinct 'Dat zijn sukkels'. I don't know any more about the subject than stated above, but I would recommend that existing sworn translators/interpreters look into it in more detail if they want to be sure of retaining their status.
2 the new legislation for sworn translators/interpreters won't change much in the sworn translators' market once it comes into force.
datum publicatie: 4 juni 2008
rubriek: Geluiden uit de markt
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