Dear Colleague
I am writing to you on behalf of the European research project AVIDICUS – Assessing videoconference interpreting in the Criminal Justice Systems, currently funded under the EU Criminal Justice Programme (Project JLS/2008/JPEN/037).
Our research relates to current efforts to increase the use of videoconference technology in the Judicial Systems, especially for cross-border communication and the integration of 'remote' spoken-language interpreters in criminal proceedings. We are investigating the viability of interpreting in such settings, in particular for the purposes of evidence-taking, and aim to produce guidelines for the use (and possible non-use) of interpreters in videoconferences and remote interpreting.
If you have experience with videoconference interpreting and/or remote interpreting, especially – but not exclusively – in criminal proceedings, we would appreciate your co-operation in completing our questionnaire.
To learn more about the AVIDICUS project and this questionnaire and to enter the survey, please click here.
The survey should not take more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please enter your responses by Monday 30th November 2009.
We would also be very grateful if you could forward this message to any appropriate colleagues whom we may inadvertently have missed.
Many thanks for your cooperation.
Dr Sabine Braun
Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies
Principal Investigator, AVIDICUS project
Dr Judith Taylor
Research Fellow, AVIDICUS Project
datum publicatie: 16 oktober 2009, 08:30
rubriek: Marktnieuws
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